In the field of linguistics, the presence or absence of synonyms in Arabic words is one of the most controversial issues among lexicographers. Consequently, the presence or absence of synonymy in the Holy Quran is one of the differences among Qur'anic scholars. Meanwhile, the history of the interpretation of the Holy Quran shows that some commentators, such as Tabresi, Zamakhshari and others, agree with the idea of synonymy in the Quran. On the other hand, others, such as Suyuti and the late Master Ma’refat and others, believe otherwise. In this article, while explaining the arguments of each of the proponents and opponents of synonymy, the challenges arising from the acceptance of synonymy in the Quran have also been explored. The result of this research, with critical-analytical method and in-text method, is focused on the fact that, first, it is impossible to accept synonym in the Holy Quran based on the strong arguments of the opponents of synonymy. Secondly, the idea of synonymy in the Quran has many negative consequences, such as the rule of superficial and simple thoughts in understanding the meanings of the verses, belief in redundancy in the Quranic words, the distortion of the Quranic miracle in its various dimensions, etc. which are not accepted by any researcher in the field of Quran.
Karimpoor Qaramaleki, A. (2022). Analysis of the Challenges of Synonymization in Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), 199-220.
Ali Karimpoor Qaramaleki. "Analysis of the Challenges of Synonymization in Quran", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8, 16, 2022, 199-220.
Karimpoor Qaramaleki, A. (2022). 'Analysis of the Challenges of Synonymization in Quran', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), pp. 199-220.
Karimpoor Qaramaleki, A. Analysis of the Challenges of Synonymization in Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2022; 8(16): 199-220.