(2014). Position of Social responsibilityintheQuran according to Allameh Tabatabaei in Al-Mizan. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 1(Journal of Quran in the Mirror of Research), 155-125.
. "Position of Social responsibilityintheQuran according to Allameh Tabatabaei in Al-Mizan", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 1, Journal of Quran in the Mirror of Research, 2014, 155-125.
(2014). 'Position of Social responsibilityintheQuran according to Allameh Tabatabaei in Al-Mizan', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 1(Journal of Quran in the Mirror of Research), pp. 155-125.
, "Position of Social responsibilityintheQuran according to Allameh Tabatabaei in Al-Mizan," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 1 Journal of Quran in the Mirror of Research (2014): 155-125,
Position of Social responsibilityintheQuran according to Allameh Tabatabaei in Al-Mizan. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2014; 1(Journal of Quran in the Mirror of Research): 155-125.