Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Mazandaran
M. A. of Quran and Hadith Studies,University of Mazandaran
Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations of Quran are among contemporary, all-inclusive interpretations, with similar approaches toward the holy Quran. An outstanding feature of these two works is the quantity and quality of utilizing narrative sources in their interpretations, while respecting Quran’s independence in meaning and teachings. Besides Quran – to – Quran interpretations, narrations have also been widely used in these two works. The present study, through a descriptive – analytic approach, and with referring to library sources aims at finding similarities between the two works. Findings of the study show that authors of both works have made logical use of narrations in their interpretations of Quran without overemphasizing or neglecting it. The two authors have tried to present unreachable ideas based on the holy Quran. Some of the common grounds between the two interpretations in relation to the use of narrations are: referring to the examples of verses, referring to the interpretation of verses and making use of narrations to exemplify and clarify the generalities in Quran. The results of this study are applicable for future studies focusing on the methodology of Quran – to – Quran interpretation.
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Nouraei, M. and Salehi Shahrbabaki, M. H. (2016). “Similarities between Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations in Making Use of Narrations“. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 3(5), 231-210.
Nouraei, M. , and Salehi Shahrbabaki, M. H. . "“Similarities between Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations in Making Use of Narrations“", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 3, 5, 2016, 231-210.
Nouraei, M., Salehi Shahrbabaki, M. H. (2016). '“Similarities between Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations in Making Use of Narrations“', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 3(5), pp. 231-210.
M. Nouraei and M. H. Salehi Shahrbabaki, "“Similarities between Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations in Making Use of Narrations“," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 3 5 (2016): 231-210,
Nouraei, M., Salehi Shahrbabaki, M. H. “Similarities between Al –Mizan and Tasnim Interpretations in Making Use of Narrations“. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2016; 3(5): 231-210.