Argumentation Methods in Al-An'am Surah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Quranic Sciences and Tradition, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran

2 MA of Quranic Sciences and Tradition, Sari Islamic Azad University


Prophets and divine leaders, especially the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), have undoubtedly devoted themselves to correcting and deepening the beliefs of nations, and struggled with a clear statement against the superstitious beliefs, tribal blind prejudice, corruptions and deviations. The analysis of opponents' claims and detailed and deep explanation of his invitation and logical and rational reasoning for the monotheistic beliefs and values throughout the history of prophets facing opponents and supporters are clearly visible. Knowing and examination of the argumentations expressed in the Word of Allah will lead to the growth and consistency of practical proofs, and so analyzing the foundations and methods of the argumentation presented in the Al-An'am Surah seems to be necessary.
The present research, entitled "Methods of argumentation in the Al-An'am Surah", has been carried out by descriptive-analytic method and has come to the conclusion that numerous rational argumentations have been presented in the Al-An'am Surah and prophets have never contaminated their invitation to the Truth by using the tools of superstition and ignorant prejudice or they have not been tricky in order to increase their followers. They have always used the arguments to change the attitudes. Therefore, the method of categorization, questioning, and the third method of appeasement to the hostile were used in this Surah -as God has spoken with rational reasons in offering religious education.


Main Subjects

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