The extent of the context in the interpretation of al-Mizan (Case study: Baqare Sura)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA, University of Sciences of Quran

2 Assistant Professor at University of Sciences of Quran


The rule of the context, or how particular words in a sentence or sentences related to a subject are located next to each other, is influential in determining the purpose of the speaker. This rule is one of the important indications for understanding the Word of God and is considered an important rule in the translation and interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. This paper, by descriptive and analytical method, seeks to characterize the role of the indication of the context for understanding the divine word from Allame Tabatabai’s point of view in the translation and interpretation of Baqare Sura. This is to answers the question that to what extent does he use the rule of context in the translation and interpretation of Surah Baqara. The results of this research show that Allame Tabatabai, in interpreting this sura, uses this rule in expressing the meaning of the words and to specify the purpose of the verses and the combination and approximation of the meaning of a verse with other verses, to specify the audience of the verse, to confirm the hadiths and traditions of the Imams, to reject some interpretations and to prefer some readings.


Main Subjects

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