Piety universality by referring to Quranic verses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prfessor at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

2 MA at department of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Maragheh, Iran


The Qur'an, among other things, emphasizes the doctrine Piety is It has been commissioned so much that it is a source of happiness, fowz and falah. Considering the importance of the subject, the present paper seeks to answer the question of what is the extent of the universality of time and place of piety in the Quran? This article is based on the Qur'anic approach and based on verses that refer to the general ethics of piety. Such verses are analyzed in two categories; The first category of the reasons for the universality of piety, based on the verses that say "or Elahānas" and "or Bani Adam" and the divine recommendation to everyone regarding the observance of piety and the invitation of all the prophets to it, has proved that piety, universal teachings And the second group, verses that express the works of piety in absolute terms, and not exclusive to certain people at a certain time and place, and include verses which, in the general and fixed tradition, piety is the key to success, In the end, goodness, the agent of divine reward and divine reward, the agent of Allah's favor and affection towards the wise, and the revelation of blessings, open up, increase the day, make things easy, and cover the sins, and concludes that piety includes the public in all places And times.


Main Subjects

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