Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Isfahan
Mu’alaqāt is a well-known collection of the most prominent original Arabic poems said before Islam. It includes precious accounts of the uncommon terms, symbolic expressions, exotic themes and influential rhythm in addition to the points regarding Arabic morphology, syntax and rhetoric. That is why many of the verses have been narrated in lexical, literal and rhetorical works as the proofs for certain claims. Experts in Arabic literature have always paid attention to Mu’alaqāt and as a result many detailed and comprehensive commentaries have been created on it. Scholars, like Shaibāni, Ibn Anbari, Ibn Nahhās, Zūzani and Khatib Tabrizi are the pioneers in this task. These commentators, while explaining the poems and remarking the lexical, morphological, grammatical and rhetorical points have also referred to a number of Quranic verses as the evidences.In this study – as an interdisciplinary study - after giving a brief introduction of the methodology of the Mu’alaqāt commentaries, the authors using the descriptive-analytic method, have selected some of the samples of these Quranic references and disclosed the motives and aims the commentators had behind these references. The authors also proved the necessity and importance of the reference to the commentaries of the texts of the pre-Islamic era and also the era of the Quranic revelation for the interpretation of Quran.
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Ibnorrasool, S. M. and Ibnorrasool, S. M. R. (2018). Quranic References in the Ancient Commentaries of Mu’alaqāt. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), 63-39.
Ibnorrasool, S. M. , and Ibnorrasool, S. M. R. . "Quranic References in the Ancient Commentaries of Mu’alaqāt", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4, 8, 2018, 63-39.
Ibnorrasool, S. M., Ibnorrasool, S. M. R. (2018). 'Quranic References in the Ancient Commentaries of Mu’alaqāt', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), pp. 63-39.
S. M. Ibnorrasool and S. M. R. Ibnorrasool, "Quranic References in the Ancient Commentaries of Mu’alaqāt," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4 8 (2018): 63-39,
Ibnorrasool, S. M., Ibnorrasool, S. M. R. Quranic References in the Ancient Commentaries of Mu’alaqāt. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2018; 4(8): 63-39.