M. A. of Quran and Hadith sciences, IKIU asiehmarzani@yahoo.com
Asisstant professor in Quran and Hadith sciences, IKIU memari@ikiu.ac.ir
The Satan is one of the most important and challenging concepts in different religions especially in Judism, Cristianity, and Islam. According to these religions, the fate of the man will be in facing with Satan. The authentic teachings of revealed texts could protect the believers against this enemy. Studying and analysing the Holy Quran and the Bible analytically and comparatively can help us declare the essence, description, and postion of the Satan and it’s similarities and differences in these Holy texts. The Satan is described in both texts as a human-like creature having the power of reasoning, free-will, and responsibility but rebellious and rejected from the God’s court. He is an enemy and a devastator factor for Humankind but but with different essences and actions in the Bible and the Quran. Described as an Angle in the Bible and as an Elf or Ginny in the Quran, the Satan’s power of dominance also includes the power to deviate even the prophets and to enter the realm of death; but the Quran considers his power at most to deviate and tempt Mankind to darkness as sees no way for him to dominate on Prophets and the faithful believers.
عمید زنجانی، عباسعلی؛ (1386ش)، قواعد فقه، جلد سوم، بخش حقوق عمومی، ناشرسازمان مطالعه و تدوین کتب علوم انسانی دانشگاهها.
فیومی، احمدبنمحمد؛ (بیتا)، بیجا، مصباح المنیر.
فراهیدی، خلیلبناحمد؛ (1410ق)، کتاب العین، قم: انتشارات هجرت.
قمی، شیخ عباس؛ (1356ش)، الدّرّ النّظیم فی لغات القرآن الکریم، به تحقیق رضا استادی و ترجمه سید محمدصادق عارف، ایران، مشهد، بنیاد پژوهشهای آستان قدس رضوی.
کلینى، محمد بن یعقوب؛ (1429ق)، کافی (ط - دار الحدیث) – قم.
Marzani, A. S. and Memari, D. (2018). Satan in the Bible and the Holy Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), 111-88.
Marzani, A. S. , and Memari, D. . "Satan in the Bible and the Holy Quran", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4, 8, 2018, 111-88.
Marzani, A. S., Memari, D. (2018). 'Satan in the Bible and the Holy Quran', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), pp. 111-88.
A. S. Marzani and D. Memari, "Satan in the Bible and the Holy Quran," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4 8 (2018): 111-88,
Marzani, A. S., Memari, D. Satan in the Bible and the Holy Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2018; 4(8): 111-88.