The Typology of the Prophets’ Sufferings Based on the Quranic Stories

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at University of Zabol

2 PhD student of Arabic language and literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


The Almighty God has sent his prophets (peace be upon them) with the aim of guiding the people and leading them toward salvation. They have constantly been faced with difficulties and hardships along this path. Some of the dangers and threats they have encountered in the course of their mission are expulsion from homeland, confinement, and receiving the threat of murder. Through the application of a descriptive-analytical method and the investigation of the Quranic stories and consultation with different interpretations of Quran, the present study aims at offering a typology of the sufferings the prophets (peace be upon them) have faced, providing an example for each type from the corpus of Quranic tales. The results of the present research show that prophets have had to face with sufferings such as expulsion from homeland, confinement, and receiving threats of murder. Likewise, the exalted Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) has suffered more than any other prophet along the path of guiding his people. He was constantly threatened by the pagans and infidels with murder, and he underwent a lot of hardships and difficulties. However, through reliance on the Almighty God and patience and perseverance, he surpassed all of the difficulties along his path.


Main Subjects

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