A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran
Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
Allama Tabatabaei has used special and varied expressions in his interpretation of al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran on the relationship between some traditions with Quranic verses. But he does not express clearly any method for this variety of expressions. On the other hand, these interpretations form part of Allama's interpretive thought and orienting to understand the tradition and part of the process of its understanding. Therefore, in this research by reviewing these expressions and categorizing them by using descriptive-analytical method, we tried to introduce them meanwhile, and to describe Allama’s method in explaining the traditions associated with verses. In this regard, Allama sees the relationship between traditions and verses as interpretation, generalization, exegesis, applicability and transmission. In some cases he uses two terms as possibilities and sometimes uses these terms with specific indicating in this context, the term most applicable is applicability and transmission. Finally, the two terms applicability and transmission have fundamental use in the link between traditions and verses in the interpretation of al-Bayan.
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jalilian, S. and nilsaz, N. (2018). A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), 191-160.
jalilian, S. , and nilsaz, N. . "A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4, 8, 2018, 191-160.
jalilian, S., nilsaz, N. (2018). 'A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), pp. 191-160.
S. jalilian and N. nilsaz, "A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4 8 (2018): 191-160,
jalilian, S., nilsaz, N. A review of Allama Tabatabaie’s method and expressions in explaining the relationship between the traditions and Quranic verses in al_Bayan Fi al_Movafeghate Bain al_Hadithe va al_Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2018; 4(8): 191-160.