Associate Professor of Payame Noor University of tehran
payame noor university of tehran
Today, many different views about Quran’s language are presented and given the complexity of the knowledge of linguistics, various categorisations have been made.One of the most prominent categorisations is the distinction of the Quran’s syntax into general norm and specific norm. These two categories have similarities but existence of various criteria in the thoughts of their followers, has led to significant semantic differences in the Quran’s interpretation.This article has the goal to exemplarily analyse these two categories based on the two prominent interpreters named Allame Tabatabaei and Mohameh Abed Aljaberi. Upon such basis the analysis consists of two focal points: First, each of the different types of Quran’s language will be defined followed by exemplary interpretations of these two interpreters. This article is based on a descriptive and analytic approach and the aim of the paper lies in reaching to viewpoints of the mentioned interpreters about different types of of the Quran’s language and then to criticise their viewpoints.
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Amin Naji, M. H. and gholampour, S. (2018). A Comparsion of Quran's General Norm Language and Specific Norm Language Based on Allame Tabatabaee and Mohammad Abed Aljaberi Viewpoints. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), 143-112.
Amin Naji, M. H. , and gholampour, S. . "A Comparsion of Quran's General Norm Language and Specific Norm Language Based on Allame Tabatabaee and Mohammad Abed Aljaberi Viewpoints", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4, 8, 2018, 143-112.
Amin Naji, M. H., gholampour, S. (2018). 'A Comparsion of Quran's General Norm Language and Specific Norm Language Based on Allame Tabatabaee and Mohammad Abed Aljaberi Viewpoints', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4(8), pp. 143-112.
M. H. Amin Naji and S. gholampour, "A Comparsion of Quran's General Norm Language and Specific Norm Language Based on Allame Tabatabaee and Mohammad Abed Aljaberi Viewpoints," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 4 8 (2018): 143-112,
Amin Naji, M. H., gholampour, S. A Comparsion of Quran's General Norm Language and Specific Norm Language Based on Allame Tabatabaee and Mohammad Abed Aljaberi Viewpoints. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2018; 4(8): 143-112.