The represents of the prophets seeking refuge to God from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Esfahan


Man has always faced with problems, anxieties and temptations in his life that leads to his anxiety; therefore, He needs a divine guidance. The Quran is the only reference to the guidance of man, referring him to the behavior of the divine prophets who follow the divine ethics and are the perfect example of mankind. In order to say that how divine beliefs of humans, such as "seeking refuge to God" in difficult circumstances are effective to calm him. This article answers questions such as "How did the prophets seek refuge to God in different circumstances? Was that only to advance the desirable worldly goals and victory of prophet? What were the achievements of the Prophets when the prophets encountered failures in the worldly life?" The present paper addresses the issues and the various texts of the verses of Quran to answer these questions and has examined them?

Among the approaches that have been achieved is that man learns, according to the pattern of behavior of the prophets, he must seek refuge to God in all circumstances whether easy or difficult. And its results, no matter what it is, whether it will achieve a desirable outcome, or it will lead to failure and worldly failures; is divine morality, individual calmness, avoidance of violence and balance in individual and social behavior
