Fayz-e-Kashani's interpretive interpretations in al-Safi (Hadithology)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of management, payamenoor university,tehran south.

2 department of management, payame noor university, tehran south.

3 department of management,payame noor university,iran.

4 faculty of theology, tehran university.


Alsafi is a narrative interpretation with an interpretive approach. In this interpretation, in addition to selecting and quoting narrative traditions from some Shi'a sources, Fayz-e-Kashani has also understood and criticized these narrations based on his Fiqh al-Hadith foundations that are in the preface of some of his books. The most important of these bases is the necessity of harmony between hadith and the Qur'anic tone, the fixed tradition, and the traditions of the infallibles (AS) in the Shi'a books. His other bases are: belief in the necessity of using wisedom in the determination and collection of narrations; attention to the issue and role of time and audience in the hadith; attention to the difference in perception of the audience; the necessity of using literary knowledge; belief in the absence of real conflict between the traditions of the infallibles (AS) and The need to eliminate disparities in the face of apparent conflict; reference to the stated priorities(Morajjahat-e-Mansuseh) when conflicting news; and to interpret the narrations in order to reconcile them. Of course, some of these interpretations need to be reviewed. In this research, the Fiqh al-Hadith foundations of Fayz-e- Kashani are examined in the narratives of Safi.
