Relation of Human and Satan according to Qur'an and Tradition

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Mazandaran

2 MA Student of Islamic Theology, Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Mazandaran


As a rational animal, after being sent down from Paradise onto the earth, the human been has always been tempted by Satan; and sometimes this malice has led human to the abyss of destruction. Satan is a creature in whose encounter, human finds himself to be weak-kneed. Therefore, the present descriptive-analytical study, based on desk research and with an emphasis on the Qur'an and narratives, was an attempt to answer this fundamental question: “How do human and Satan view one another?” Answering this fundamental question is not only noticeable, but also a necessary and indispensable concern against this malevolent creature. Understanding these views, sometimes human has been able to overcome these temptations and overcome his enemy, while some other times has not been able to do so because he has neglected these views. The outcomes of this study indicate that human considers Satan as a deceiving creature who makes prophets to torture and a factor of frustration and lust.


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