The Methodology and Orientation of Ahsan al-Hadith Interpretation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. of Islamic Theology, University of Qom

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Theology, University of Qom


One of theinevitable necessities in Quranic studies is a review of the interpretations from the interpretive method perspective. More attention to the methodology of interpretationin various aspects would help reach the correct method of interpretation of Qur'an and classification of the interpretations. This article using descriptive-analytical method studies the methodology and sources of one of the contemporary Shia interpretations. Ahsan al-Hadith interpretation by AyatullahQureishi is one of the outstanding interpretations that usesvarious interpretation methods, quotes and often criticizes the opinions of others in explaining the divine verses. The importance of this research is that using existing criteria in methodology of Quranic interpretation,it will examine the level of commitment of the interpreter in his claimed method. The author by surveing different parts of this interpretation concludes that the interpretation method in this book is comprehensive method with guidance-social orientation.


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