Analysis of the Quranic verses dealing with guardianship (Wilāya) of Ahl-al-Bayt according to Mustabsirin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Theology and Quran and Hadith, University of Mazandaran

2 Ph.D.student of Theology and Quran and Hadith, University of Mazandaran


The increasing tendency towards Islam and the Shi'i school in the world has led the researchers to study the most important reasons of thebelievers in Shi’ism which are referred to as the Mustabsir. The Mustabsiris one who has converted to Shi’ismfrom other religious sects and schools and with the guidance of Allah and the Ahl-al-Bayt (AS) his eyes opened to the truth. In their books written after Estibsar, the Mustabsirin refer to some verses of Qur’an and traditions of the ahl-al-Baytwhich have led them to Shi’ism. It is noteworthy that the vast majority of Mustabsirinhad a high scientific status and influence and their convert to Shi’ism and the expression of their arguments in their books had an effective promotional role for theschool of Ahl-al-Bayt. Among these people are Dr. Mohammad Tijani Tunisi, Mohammad Amin Anataki, Mohammad Sharif Zahedi etc. whose books after their Estibsar have been amotivation for others to convert to Shi’ism. This paper uses a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources to investigate the most important Qur'anic references of Mustabsirin. Studies show that in addition to narrations, the verses includingVelayat, Tathir, Ikmal Din, salavat, Mavaddat, Mobahele, Khayrolbaryah etc. have played an important role in their Istibsar.


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