An Investigation into Organization of Ijtihadi Exegesis Fundamentals in Zahabi, Amid Zanjani, Roomi and Babaei,s Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Yazd University

2 PhD student of Comparative Interpretation


One of the basic topics in exegesis fundamentals is the way of arranging and organization. The comprehensive and ideal classification of exegesis fundamentals is done based on both divine and humane sciences. That in short consists of, 1.The basis of tradition, 2.The basis of reason. The basis of tradition consists of Quran and Sunnah and the basis of reason consists of reasoning, verve, scientific-experimental and historical-social approaches. The Principles–jurisprudence, theological and philosophical approaches are considered as belonging to reasoning approach and mystic and literary under the tasting approach. This research by an analytical-critical method investigates the theories of four intellectuals namely Zahabi, Amid Zanjani, Roomi and Babaei and concludes that the presented classifications have some mistakes and defects. These defects are as insufficiency in the number of exegesis fundamentals, inattention toward the correct arrangement, intermixture of different topics, intermixture of the semantic domain of exegetics topics, putting subordinate branches in the principal position, intermixture of the different types of exegesis fundamentals, existence of desired structure, application of exclusive usage, intermixture of different types of exegesis and exegesis fundamentals and meaning universal from particular titles and meaning particular from universal titles.
