Explaining the meanings of the words of Quran to understand the serious purpose of God in the verses of Quran, is common among Muslims in a way that vocabulary analysis can be considered an integral part of the Quranic interpretations. Martyr Motahhari is among those who in parts of his oral and written works in accordance with his audience, has studied some of the words of Quran and has organized them as an introduction to interpretative topics. The present article tries to study the ways of explaining the Quranic words in the collection of Martyr Motahhari's works to analyze his methods in explaining the words. The findings show that among the most important methods of explaining the words of the Quran in the works of martyr Motahhari include: paying attention to the root and derivation of the word, considering the rules of Arabic literature, examining some expressions of pre-Islamic Arabic, looking at synonyms, considering verses, using narratives and analyzing the evolution of the meaning of the word in modern idiomatic meanings. Using various sources, Professor Motahhari has not used a same method to explain the meaning of words, and in each word, he has chosen one or more methods, and in some cases has challenged the opinions of scholars.
قرآن کریم، ترجمه محمد مهدی فولادوند، دار القرآن الکریم، تهران، 1373.
آلوسی، محمود بن عبدالله (1415ق) روح المعانی فی تفسیر القرآن العظیم و السبع المثانی، تحقیق على عبدالبارى عطیه، چاپ اول، بیروت: دار الکتب العلمیة/منشورات محمد علی بیضون
ابن اثیر جزری، مبارک بن محمد (۱۳۶۷) النهایة فی غریب الحدیث و الأثر، تحقیق محمود محمد طناحی، چاپ چهارم، قم: موسسه مطبوعاتی اسماعیلیان.
ابن فارس، احمد بن فارس (بیتا) معجم مقاییس اللغه، تصحیح عبدالسلام محمد هارون، چاپ اول، قم: مکتب الاعلام الاسلامی.
Davari Chelaghaee, A. (2022). Martyr Motahhari's Methods in Explaining the Single Words of Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), 71-97.
Davari Chelaghaee, A. . "Martyr Motahhari's Methods in Explaining the Single Words of Quran", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8, 16, 2022, 71-97.
Davari Chelaghaee, A. (2022). 'Martyr Motahhari's Methods in Explaining the Single Words of Quran', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), pp. 71-97.
A. Davari Chelaghaee, "Martyr Motahhari's Methods in Explaining the Single Words of Quran," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8 16 (2022): 71-97,
Davari Chelaghaee, A. Martyr Motahhari's Methods in Explaining the Single Words of Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2022; 8(16): 71-97.