Analyzing the backgrounds of a commentator is the first step in examining his method of interpretation. One of the esoteric backgrounds is the minimalist or maximalist view of the interpreter in various issues. The main theme of this article is to study the areas of minimalism and maximalism that are effective in the interpretive method of the commentators of the Holy Quran. Since Quran is a text with a religious content, the contexts of minimalism and maximalism discussed in this article also look at these two characteristics - being a text and having a religious content - and do not address other issues. Therefore, in this article, religion, Sharia, text (Nosus) and exegesis as four important fields in the minimalism or maximalism of commentators has been studied with a descriptive-analytical approach and its effect on the type of understanding and interpretation of verses has been analyzed. In addition, the ways to prove that the interpreter is minimalist or maximalist are explained in each of the fields.
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Mohammadfam, S. and Jalilzadeh Bashbulaghi, P. (2022). Minimalism / Maximalism; Aan Effective Indicator in the Interpretive Method of the Commentators of the Holy Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), 221-250.
Mohammadfam, S. , and Jalilzadeh Bashbulaghi, P. . "Minimalism / Maximalism; Aan Effective Indicator in the Interpretive Method of the Commentators of the Holy Quran", Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8, 16, 2022, 221-250.
Mohammadfam, S., Jalilzadeh Bashbulaghi, P. (2022). 'Minimalism / Maximalism; Aan Effective Indicator in the Interpretive Method of the Commentators of the Holy Quran', Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8(16), pp. 221-250.
S. Mohammadfam and P. Jalilzadeh Bashbulaghi, "Minimalism / Maximalism; Aan Effective Indicator in the Interpretive Method of the Commentators of the Holy Quran," Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 8 16 (2022): 221-250,
Mohammadfam, S., Jalilzadeh Bashbulaghi, P. Minimalism / Maximalism; Aan Effective Indicator in the Interpretive Method of the Commentators of the Holy Quran. Biannual Journal of research in the interpretation of Quran, 2022; 8(16): 221-250.