Analysis of the Methods of Fayz Kashani's Fiqh al-Hadith in the Safi Interpretation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 Guilan University

3 Arak University


After the Qur'an, hadith is the most important source for religious concepts. Therefore, Muslim scholars place great importance on hadiths and throughout history have attempted to interpret hadiths, each of the scholars also has his own methods. The methods of interpreting hadiths are different among hadith scholars; each of them has its own general methods and methods in the process of fiqh al-hadith and interpretation of hadiths; but in some cases, they have made changes in popular styles based on their own principles. Fayz Kashani, like other hadith scholars, has its own methods in the interpretation of hadiths. This paper reviews the methods of interpretating Hadith of Feyz Kashani in Safi interpretation using descriptive-analytical method.
Some methods of fiqh al-hadith and interpretation of hadiths in Safi interpretation include: interpretation of the content of hadiths based on verses of the Quran, interpretation of single words, which in some cases have been narrated from the dictionary books without being referred to them, expressing interpretative points, comparison of hadiths to the Quran, and the formation of a family of hadiths and conformation of hadiths, etc. Of course, the interpretation of philosophical and mystical hadiths is also controversial in this regard, in some cases, Fayz criticizes hadiths opposing the majority public and to prefer some hadiths, refers to things such as the agreement of that hadith with Quran and Sunnah, as well as the reputation of that hadith and justice and the trustworthiness of narrators.    


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