The role of resurrection in human spiritual health from the perspective of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Semnan University


The principle of monotheism and a rigid belief in it, and on the other hand, belief in the resurrection, is a necessary condition and bedrock of human afterlife and worldly happiness, and of course, acting based on these two pillars also guarantees this happiness. In this article, belief in the resurrection and its deterrent role in human spiritual health is examined as the main question, and the important point in this regard is the position of the resurrection in more than a third of the verses of the Qur'an, that God constantly tells the disbelievers and even believers about its consequences. The deterrent role of belief in the resurrection in the healthy life of man in the world and his not fearing of death, not harassment and not betrayal or oppression toward people, not committing sin for fear of the afterlife and avoiding the wrath of God, not being deceived by the splendor of the world are among the effects of belief in the hereafter, and therefore, if a person's physical health depends on matters such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, etc., his spiritual health also depends on man's spiritual connection with God. In fact, it is comfort for the body and peace for the soul, and this will not be possible, except for with a relationship with God, which saves man from anxiety, worry and apprehension, and brings him spiritual security, and in the meantime, belief in the resurrection is fundamental to the salvation of man and his spiritual health.


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