Explaining Excerpts from the Opening Prayer of the Quran with the Quran Emphasizing the Levels of Auditory and Visual Perception of Verses

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Islamic studies Department of Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Ardabil, Iran


The purpose of writing this article is to explain excerpts from the opening prayer of the Holy Quran, emphasizing the levels of auditory and visual perception during the recitation of the divine words. The research method is descriptive, and the data collection and analysis are based on library references to divine verses and some narrations. The findings reveal that the recitation of God's speech, as a conversation with the Creator, not only involves speech but also has an auditory aspect. Its verses, as the manifestation of the exalted truth, rely on the carriers and guardians of the divine words, and they convey a living message that also has a visual aspect. Therefore, in reciting the Quran, one encounters various levels of hearing, from hearing the words from the Prophet's (PBUH) tongue to hearing from the angelic inspiration and divine call, while being attentive and present in the presence of God's words, accompanied by an insightful gaze, the opening of the eye of the heart, and the manifestation of the realities of objects and the manifestations of divine names.


Holy Quran
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