The Method of Applying the Initial Context for Discovering the Purpose of a Surah in the Discourse of Reflection: A Case Study of Surah Al-Ahzab

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Quranic and Hadith Studies of Hakim sabzevari university, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Associate Professor in Quranic and Hadith Science of University of Mazandaran, Bobolsar, Iran


In modern reflective studies, the initial context has been introduced as a special element in discovering the purpose of a Surah (chapter) in the discourse of reflection. This factor can enhance and expedite the process of purpose identification. However, there has been little discussion about the method of employing the initial context in purpose discovery, and its utilization in the process of purpose identification has not been addressed. Therefore, this research aims to unveil the method of applying the initial context in the process of purpose discovery by employing a descriptive-analytical approach and utilizing library and electronic resources. In this method, in the first step, the axis of the initial context is determined using rules such as "omission," "precedence of mention," and "repetition frequency." Then, it is compared with the purpose derived from the entire Surah to confirm its accuracy or address potential deficiencies. Surah Al-Ahzab is the case study in which this method has been implemented. The findings of the case study demonstrate that the initial context plays a significant role in purpose discovery and reveals notable elements of the Surah's purpose.


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