Qutb al-Din Ravandi’s Methods of Interpreting the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Holy Quran Sciences and knowledge, Khoy Faculty. Khoy, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature of Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch. Qom, Iran

3 Ph.D. in Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Islamic Azad University Central Branch of Tehran. Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor in Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Islamic Azad University Central Branch of Tehran. Tehran, Iran


Although Ravandi lived in an era when most jurists were influenced by Sheikh Tusi and Seyyed Morteza, he had independent scholarly and philosophical thoughts in jurisprudence. He is the first scholar to introduce the quadruple approach to the Shia community, which includes the books, traditions, reasoning, and consensus. Ravandi employed various methods in the interpretation of the Quranic verses. So far, no research has been conducted on the discovery of his interpretive methods. Therefore, the aim of this article is to examine and extract Qutb al-Din Ravandi’s interpretive methods. These methods were discovered among his interpretive works as well as some of his hadith-related works where he engaged in interpreting certain verses. Based on the findings of this research, his interpretive methods include Quranic interpretation through the Quran, Quranic interpretation through hadith, rational and juristic interpretation, the use of literary sciences, poetry, and principles of jurisprudence in Quranic interpretation, and attention to similarities and analogies.


Holy Quran
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