The Influential Role of Valid Preconceived Notions of the Interpreter in the Interpretation of the Holy Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of the Holy Quran University of Sciences and Education. Qom, Iran

3 PhD in Traditional Medicine; MA in Quranic and Hadith sciences. Qom, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Islamic Revolution of Maaref Department, Faculty of Literature of Lorestan University. Qom, Iran


During the interpretation of the Holy Quran, interpreters possess certain information that cannot be denied or disregarded. This information has an impact on the interpreter during the interpretation process. This paper examines the channels of influence of interpreters’ preconceived notions in interpreting the Quran using a descriptive-analytical method and library sources. The findings reveal that the preconceived notions of interpreters can be categorized into several groups: some are self-evident, while others are non-self-evident. Some are consistent with the apparent meaning of the Quran, while others are not. However, among these preconceived notions, there are valid ones that have an impact on the interpreter, such as providing tools and instruments for interpreting verses, offering interpretive foundations and principles to interpreters, shaping and representing the interpreter's perspective, and ultimately confirming and explaining the content of verses.


Main Subjects

  1. The Holy Quran

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