An Investigation of the Interpretive Method and the Credibility of Tafsir an-Noor

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Behavioral Sciences Institute of Research Institute of Hawzah and University (RIHO). Qom, Iran

2 Level 3 in Tafsir and Qur’an of Jami'at al-Zahra. Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Quranic sciences of Research Institute of Hawzah and University (RIHO). Qom, Iran


The interpretation of the teachings of the Holy Quran in practical life scenes is presented in Tafsir an-Noor, establishing a connection between people and the Quran by applying its recommendations. Since there is widespread public interest in this interpretation and there are some considerations in its interpretations, its credibility needs to be examined. This research examines the credibility of the content of Tafsir an-Noor using descriptive-analytical methods based on the principles that interpreters have employed to achieve the purpose of God. The examination of 25 chapters of the Quran in Tafsir an-Noor shows that the author did not investigate multiple recitations in any case, did not have an Ijtihadi method in examining the meanings of Quranic words, expressed the meanings of words in some verses and did not refer these meanings to a source. In the interpretation of the verses, Arabic rules are considered. In many cases, the interpretation relies more on harmonizing the verses and narrations rather than intellectual and scientific principles, and its primary source is the verses and narrations. The author has classified similar concepts under appropriate headings, divided the concepts, analyzed them, presented them in logical forms, appropriately divided the verses, and paid attention to similarities. The methodology of this interpretation is a combination of traditional and slightly independent methods, and in many cases, it incorporates personal insights in the form of messages and Quranic points. The tendency of this interpretation is mainly educational and social.


Main Subjects

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