Analysis of Misconceptions about the Manners of Prophet Moses Regarding the Incident of Striking Aaron (Peace Be Upon Them)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Imam Sadiq University (peace be upon him), Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of Theology and Islamic Studies of Qom University. Qom, Iran

3 Ph.D student of Quran and Hadith Sciences of Imam Sadiq University (peace be upon him). Tehran, Iran


The stories of the Holy Quran, alongside numerous lessons for the believers, contain ambiguities and misconceptions that may not be easily comprehensible to the audience. Among these important issues within the Islamic teachings is the concept of the infallibility of the prophets (Peace Be Upon Them), which should not be disregarded in the analysis of their manners and life stories. The divine manners of the esteemed prophets in the Qur'an are, in some cases, subject to intricacies and misconceptions that have caused confusion and ambiguity regarding their behaviors. Some scholars have considered these narratives contradictory to the infallibility of the prophets. The manner of Prophet Moses (PBUH), including the incident of striking Prophet Aaron (PBUH), and his harsh treatment, which is mentioned from two perspectives in the Qur'an, has led to various and sometimes conflicting analyses that challenge his infallibility. The incident of striking Aaron (PBUH) occurred after the deviation of the Israelites from the monotheistic faith and their inclination towards idol worship. Throughout history, interpreters have listed it as an act driven by anger, grief, a form of disciplinary action, or a minor sin (God forbid), or without a valid reason, they have interpreted the relevant verses contrary to their apparent meanings. However, considering the context of these two categories of verses and the basis of the divine infallibility of the prophets, the more accurate conclusion is that the act of striking was used in its true sense. Given the positions of both prophets in this regard and the significance of the deviation of the Israelites, this behavior served as a warning and admonition to them, preparing their hearts for accepting and implementing the punishment for apostasy resulting from idol worship.


Main Subjects

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