The Nature of “Thinking about Death” from the Perspective of the Holy Quran and Holy Scriptures

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Department, Faculty of Humanities of Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran, Iran

2 MS in Qur'an interpretation and sciences of Qasim Ibn Al-Hassan (PBUH) Islamic Sciences Learning Center. Tehran, Iran


God has endowed human souls with eternity and, through death, humans undergo an evolutionary journey towards the realm of the afterlife. Therefore, it is necessary for humans to prepare themselves for the eternal abode of the hereafter. Different analyses regarding the reality and nature of death, fear of death, and factors that reduce the fear of death have a direct impact on the meaningfulness of life. The present study aims to answer the question of what dimensions and educational effects the concepts of “thinking about death” and “eternal life” have from the perspective of the Holy Quran and Holy Scriptures. A descriptive-analytical examination of this issue reveals that the concepts of thinking about life and eternal life in the Holy Quran and Holy Scriptures signify the belief in the absence of annihilation and destruction after worldly life and the belief in resurrection without denial. The value of life encourages human beings to contemplate its creation and purposefulness, as well as to have faith in the afterlife and belief in immortality. Attention to the dimensions of the afterlife, non-negligence of death, and other factors lead to a defined direction in life, readiness for the transition to eternal life, abandonment of meaningless and futile challenges, and an increase in the tranquility of divine remembrance. Therefore, the Holy Quran and Holy Scriptures consider the remembrance of death and belief in resurrection to have educational effects such as eliminating greed, patience in the face of tribulations, vivacity, indifference towards the worldly life, forgiveness of sins, and more.


Main Subjects

The Holy Quran
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