A Probe into the Interpretation Attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS) Based on the Examination of the Rijali Character of Muhammad ibn Abi Qasim Astarabadi

Document Type : Research Paper


Master Graduated of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of University of Quran and Hadith; Manuscript Researcher and Researcher of Islamic Studies, Qom, Iran


All of the current interpretation book attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS), as well as a significant portion of the narrations in the book “Al-Ihtijaj” attributed to Tibrisi, are quoted from a narrator named “Muhammad ibn Qasim Jorjani” or “Muhammad ibn Abi Qasim Astarabadi," known as “Abu al-Hasan Jorjani, the commentator.” This individual is unknown in Shiite Imamiyah Rijal and biographical sources, and significant information about him is not mentioned. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and translate this narrator. This task has several benefits: Firstly, it clarifies the identity of the narrator of the interpretation book attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS) and parts of “Al-Ihtijaj.” Secondly, it sheds light on the history of the transmission and conveyance of these books. Thirdly, it may resolve some of the debates surrounding these two books or potentially give rise to new discussions. Now, it is important to ask the following questions: 1. Is “Muhammad ibn Qasim Jorjani” or “Muhammad ibn Abi Qasim Astarabadi” one personality with dual names that have arisen due to a scribal error, or not? 2. What information exists about them in other non-Rijal and biographical sources? 3. How is the history and translation of this interpreter-narrator? The present study examines the history and translation of Abu al-Hasan Jorjani, the commentator, using some peripheral information and evidence, aiming to provide a biography and a Rijali analysis of him as far as possible.


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