The Function of Rational Argumentation in Comprehensive Ijtihad (Jurisprudence) Interpretation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor Of Islamic Education of Islamic Studies Department of Medicine School of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student,PhD student in Quranic orientation and resources, Faculty of Education, University of Tehran Faculty of Education, University of Tehran

3 Level four student of comparative interpretation of Rafia Al-Mustafa Seminary. Tehran, Iran


Comprehensive Ijtihad (Jurisprudence) interpretation is a comprehensive approach to interpretation in terms of the methodology of interpretation and employs various interpretive sources to discover the true intent of God. Since reason holds a significant and foundational position in this interpretation, examining the functions of rational reasoning becomes essential. The utilization of reason in Quranic arguments and rational indicators in interpretation serves the purpose of uncovering the meanings and objectives of Quranic verses, emphasizing the function of rational reasoning as a valid source of knowledge. This study, employing a descriptive-analytical method and through data collection procedures such as library research, data extraction, as well as referencing credible documents, investigates the most important functions of rational reasoning in comprehensive Ijtihad (jurisprudence) interpretation. The use of reason in resolving apparent contradictions in verses, the utilization of rational indicators (intuitive knowledge and conclusive arguments) in interpretation, applying the principle of “implementation and adaptation”, as well as the discovery of rational requirements within Quranic verses are among the key functions of rational reasoning.


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