Descriptive Bibliography of the Interpretation Attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS)

Document Type : Research Paper


Master Graduated of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of University of Quran and Hadith; Manuscript Researcher and Researcher of Islamic Studies, Qom, Iran


From the past until now, conflicting opinions have been expressed about the interpretation attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS). Some consider the book as forged, while others regard it as a valid work either explicitly or implicitly attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS). Some recent researches have also attributed this work to Nasser Al-Haqq Atrush, the ruler of Tabaristan, due to an error, falsely associating it with the eleventh Imam of Imamiyya Shia. Considering the importance of the interpretation attributed to Imam Hasan Askari (AS), it is now necessary to conduct further and more recent research on Tafsir Askari (Askari's Interpretation). Therefore, researchers interested in this area need a bibliography of this interpretation and should be aware of the number of independent and non-independent works written in recent decades on the interpretation attributed to Imam Askari (AS), as well as other relevant sources they can refer to. In the present study, a preliminary introduction is presented, providing a descriptive overview of 46 independent works and a bibliography of 90 works related to Askari's Interpretation.


Main Subjects

Ibn Khalkan, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad(1971 A.D). Vafiat Al-Ayan, Beirut: Dar Al Sadir. [In Arabic].
Ibnshahrashoob, Muhammad ibn Ali(1379 A.H). Manaqib Al Abi Talib, Qom: Allameh. [In Arabic].
Ostadi, Reza(1986). A discussion about the interpretation of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.), Noor Al Elm, (13). [In Persian].
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Amin Ameli, Seyyed Mohsen(1403 A.H). Ayan al-Shi'a, Beirut: Dar al-Taarif. [In Arabic].
Balaghi, Mohammad Javad(nd). Alaa al-Rahman fi Tafsir al-Qur'an, Qom: Al-Wojdani School. [In Arabic].
Behniafar, Ahmad Reza(2013). Political positions and actions of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) against the Abbasid Caliphate, History of Islamic Culture and Civilization,3 (7). [In Persian].
Paktachi, Ahmad(2013). The Great Islamic Encyclopedia (Hasan Askari), Vol. 20, Tehran: Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia. [In Persian].
Jafarian, Rasool(1992). The Distortions of Humanity (11): Imam Hassan Askari, peace be upon him, Noor Al Elm, (47), 40-14. [In Persian].
Hasani, Mohammad Javad(2017). Sahifah Taqiyaat of Imam Askari (peace be upon him) to Safar with a focus on the report of al-Faqih, Kitab Shia, (17 and 18), 161-172. [In Persian].
Khoei, Seyyed Abul Qasim(1413 A.H). The Compendium of Rijal al-Hadith, NP: Tawheed Publishing. Also: Publication of Ayatollah Khoei Institute. [In Arabic].
Ravandi, Saeed bin Abdullah(1409 A.H). Al-Kharaij and Al-Jaraih, Qom: Imam Mahdi Institute (AS). [In Arabic].
Shearani, Abul Hasan(2007). Quranic researches of Allameh Shearani (margin of Majma al-Bayan), Qom: Bostan Kitab. [In Persian].
Shushtri, Mohammad Taqi(1401 A.H). Al-Akhbar al-Dakhila, Tehran: Al-Sadooq School. [In Arabic].
Sadouq, Muhammad bin Ali(1395 A.H). Kamal al-Din and Tammam al-Naimah, Tehran: Islamia. [In Arabic].
Askari, Hassan(1409 A.H). Al-Tafsir al-Mansoob to Imam Abi Muhammad al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Askari, research by Muhammad Baqir Abtahi, Qom: Imam Mahdi Institute (a.s). [In Arabic].
Alam Al-Hoda, Muhammad bin Mohsen(1409 A.H). Ma'aden Al-Hikmah, Qom: Islamic Publishing House. [In Arabic].
Karaji, Ali(2012). Bibliography of Imam Askari (AS), Farhang Kausar, (60), 122-126. [In Persian].
Mahalati, Zabihullah(2005). Al-Kabra's work in the history of Samarra, Qom: Al-Haydariyeh School. [In Arabic].
Mofid, Muhammad bin Nu'man(1414 A.H). Al-Arshad in the knowledge of Hajjaj Allah Ali al-Abad, Research by Al-Al-Bayt (A.S.), Qom: Dar Al-Mofid. [In Arabic].
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Najashi, Abul al-Abbas Ahmed bin Ali(1407 A.H). Rizal Najashi, by Zanjani's effort, Qom: Islamic Publishing House. [In Arabic].
ــــــــ The site of Noor specialized magazines database (Noormags), at the Internet address:
ــــــــ Iran's Information Science and Technology Research Institute (Irandak), at:
ــــــــ Iran Book and Literature House Website (Iran Book Database), URL:
ــــــــ National Library website at
ــــــــ Indexing site of Iranian magazines (Magiran), at the Internet address:
 ــــــــConference articles indexing site (Civilica), at the Internet address:
ــــــــGanjineh Noor Library (Preservation Center for Quranic Researches and Dissertations), Qom: Imam Reza Institute of Islamic Studies.