Conceptual Metaphor of "Divine Words" Associated with the "Battle of Badr" in Early Interpretations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master Graduate of Islamic History of Faculty of Humanities of Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in the Department of history of Faculty of Humanities of Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran, Iran


The Quranic verses attributed to the Battle of Badr are in the process of constructing the concept of severe punishment, the Day of Judgment, the Day of Separation, the Day of Retribution, the promise of God's truth, the false promise of Satan, and the day of victory of truth over falsehood, which should be highlighted due to their connection to a prominent event known as the Battle of Badr. The way in which such abstract and conceptual notions are associated with the Battle of Badr and create tangible and comprehensible discourse is a subject that this interdisciplinary study explores, focusing on early interpretations and drawing on the conceptual metaphor theory, a semantic theory, based on the relationship between language and mind. Accordingly, contemporary cognitive linguists, with the introduction of this theory that human thought is metaphorical in nature and all abstract concepts are made concrete and conceptualized through the process of embodiment, separate it from its classical view, which only has an aesthetic aspect. This research, within the framework of the Lakoff and Johnson model, examines the conceptual metaphors of "divine words" in some of the early interpretations to demonstrate how these words are defined in the perspective and worldview of the early interpreters. The results of the investigation show that metaphor exists throughout the discourse of the early interpreters regarding such abstract words and is a tool that, through the assistance of depicting tangible images in the context of the event of Badr or, in other words, mentioning narrations about it, directs the reader's mind towards the historical situation in order to make it comprehensible and, consequently, enhance the credibility and better conveyance of such abstract teachings.


Main Subjects

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