Investigation of the Quranic Foundations of "Hayat Tayyiba" (“Good Life”)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Quran and Hadith Sciences of Al-Mustafa International University. Qom, Iran


The concept of "Hayat Tayyiba" means a sweet and tranquil life, and it is one of the very important topics in the Holy Quran for human life. The examination of the dimensions of Hayat Tayyiba, considering the human need for it, is crucial for attaining worldly and hereafter happiness, and on the other hand, the ability of the Holy Quran to respond, considering the eternal and universal nature of its teachings in the realm of humanity, is of great importance. The aim of the current writing is to find the foundations and underlying principles of Hayat Tayyiba for achieving Hayat Tayyiba in individuals and society. The results of the current research, using an analytical-descriptive method along with an inductive approach from the Quran and with the support of documentary and library sources, indicate the important fact that the realization of Hayat Tayyiba requires adherence to certain theoretical, spiritual, and behavioral foundations of the Quran, such as belief in monotheism, prophethood, the afterlife, the inclination towards beauty, the interconnectedness of the worldly life and the hereafter, and so on. Without considering these foundations, Hayat Tayyiba cannot be achieved in human society. In fact, these mentioned factors are recognized as the infrastructure of Hayat Tayyiba upon which the realization of Hayat Tayyiba is possible.


Main Subjects

The Holy Quran
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