The Application of the Prophet's Method in the Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an: A Case Study of the “Tafsir (Interpretation) of Ruh al-Ma'ani”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies of Islamic Azad University of North Tehran Branch. Tehran, IRAN

2 Associate Professor of Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences of Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies of Tehran University. Tehran, IRAN


The application of the Prophet's Method in the interpretation of the Noble Qur'an, particularly in relation to verses directly related to the Prophet's Method, is considered a fundamental principle of interpretation. Furthermore, the Prophet's Method should be taken into account in explaining other verses as well, as it provides dimensions of necessary expression in the interpretation of verses that other sources and documents are unable to present. Understanding the Prophet's Method frees us from spiritual distortions, superstitions, and potential confusion that may arise in the process of understanding and interpreting the Qur'an. Among the interpretations that have also focused on the Prophet's Method is 'Ruh al-Ma'ani,' which is considered an important interpretive source among Sunni scholars and is regarded as a comprehensive encyclopedia of previous interpretations. However, the extent to which the application of the Prophet's Method has been properly carried out in the interpretation of Ruh al-Ma'ani has not been addressed in previous studies. Therefore, in this research, through a descriptive-analytical approach, the case studies of the verses of Tathir, Mubahalah, and Sharh al-Sadr, in which the lack of attention to the Prophet’s Method causes an incomplete interpretation of them, are examined in Ruh al-Ma'ani. The results demonstrate that Aloosi, despite considering the Prophet's Method, has not adopted a sound scientific approach and has provided an incorrect and unscientific interpretation of these verses, in addition to selectively utilizing the Prophet's Method with a narrow perspective.


Main Subjects

Holy Quran.
Nahj al-balagha.
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