The Literary Interpretive Foundations of Seyyed Qutb's Aesthetic Stylistics in the Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Level Four of Figh and Usul of Al-Mustafa International University. Qom, IRAN

2 Level Four student of Figh and Usul of Al-Mustafa International University. Qom, IRAN


Seyyed Qutb, a contemporary writer and interpreter of the Noble Qur'an, has approached the literary interpretation of the Qur'an with a unique perspective and has explored new dimensions of stylistic beauties of this invaluable book. However, due to his Islamic scholarly thoughts and his reputation for reformist ideas in Egypt, Seyyed Qutb’s interpretive and literary opinions have been largely overlooked. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive research on his aesthetic approach to the Holy Qur'an, based on his interpretive and literary inclinations that form the foundation of his distinct perspective. This research, conducted through an analytical method, concludes that Seyyed Qutb’s interpretive inclinations are presented in a literary and social interpretive framework, where he engages in the artistic and aesthetic analysis of the Qur'an as the central focus of his literary work. His general principles in this regard include a holistic and comprehensive view, practical and applicable approaches without imposing rational and scientific presuppositions on understanding the Qur'an, emphasis on the aesthetic dimension of the Qur'an for educational purposes, differentiation between the application of Meccan and Medinan Surahs, and a focus away from Al-Ahkam (legal) verses. These inclinations are based on his literary principles, which encompass elements of literary analysis, the importance of evoking emotional experiences as the essence of literary work, the inadequacy of purely semantic interpretations in literary execution, the influence of literary text on the environment, and the adoption of an integrative approach that combines art, history, and psychology in literary evaluation.


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