Al-Mizan's innovations in explaining the connection between the verse-ending and the content of the verse

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic studies Department of Shahrood University of Technology. Shahrood, IRAN

2 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith department of Imam Sadiq(as) Research Institute of Islamic Sciences. Qom, Iran


There are many interconnected conceptual networks in the Holy Qur'an, which can be uncovered with careful investigation. "Fasilah" which is located at the end of the structure of some verses has a close semantic connection with the verses that are close to each other, other verses of the Surah and especially with the contents of the same verse. The main question is that how is the semantic connection between the endings of the verses with each other and with the body of that verse? and could we categorize that connections? Quranic scholars and commentators have recounted limited aspects of this relationship, but the present research is based on the introduction of al-Mizan's effort and its innovations in explaining the relationship between intervals and the content of the verses. Al-Mizan's effort in this field, in addition to helping to interpret the verses, also reveals the wonders and expressive beauties of the Holy Quran. By extracting examples of interpretation from al-Mizan, this research has presented several types of semantic connection between intervals and the content of verses and has reflected Allameh Tabatabai's innovation in this field. Based on the results of this research, in the interpretation of al-Mizan, thirteen types of semantic connection between the distance and the content of the verse can be identified in terms of subject and four types in terms of audience, which are accompanied by numerous evidences from al-Mizan.


Main Subjects

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